
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2020

فوائد القرنفل على صحة الإنسان

  فوائد وأضرار القرنفل على صحة الإنسان   للقرنفل فوائد كثير يجهله بعض الناس وايضا له بعض الآثار الضارة التي تؤثر على صحة الإنسان، وفوائد القرنفل تنبع من مكوناته التي تحتوي على العديد من الفيتامينات والمعادن التي يحتاجه جسما ومثال لهذه الفيتامينات فيتامين A و C و K وايضا يحتوي على المغنيسيوم والفسفور والحديد وايضا البوتاسيوم والكالسيوم ويعرف القرنفل ايضا باسم المسمار وهو من الازهار العطرية ويستخدم في مجالات عديدة، ونلخص بعض من هذه الفوائد في الاتي. شاهد ماذا يفعل القرنفل بالرجال 1- مكافحة الالتهابات وتقوية المناعة     حيث ثبت ان زيت القرنفل ساعد في علاج كثير من التهابات المفاصل و الروماتيزم وذالك لاحتواءه على المعادن 2- يعزز من صحة الجهاز التنفسي   وجد ان القرنفل يساعد في تخفيف ومنع بعض التهابات الجهاز التنفسي العلوي وبعض امراضه مثل : A- نزلات البرد B- السعال C- الزكام D- الربو E- التهابات القصبة الهوائيه F-التهابات الجيوب الأنفية G-طارد للبلغم H- التهابات الحلق I-مسكن طبيعي ويعالج ويخفف كل هذه الاعراض والأمراض لخصايصه وصفاته المضادة للجراثيم.  فوائد القرنفل...

فوائد الموز لجسم الإنسان

  الموز فوائد الموز لجسم الانسان الموز فاكهه تسمى بطعام الفلاسفة وايضا بطعام الحكماء لأنها تحتوي على كمية من العناصر الكيميائية الطبيعية التي يحتاجها جسم الإنسان. لماذا سميت بهذه الاسم : لأن الموز يحتوي على عدد مقدر من العناصر الغذائية المهمة لصحة الجسم بالاضافه إلى الاستفادة الكاملة من هذه الثمرة في شت حالتها هي ناضجة او غير ناضجة ( خضراء) وايضا يمكن استخدام قشورها في مجالات عديد  فوائد الموز للعلاقة الحميمية الثمرة الناضجة :  وهي تتوفر فيها عدة عناصر يحتاجها الجسم بشكل يومي ومنها.  يوجد بالموز عنصر الكلاين وهذه العنصر مهم جداً لصحة الدماغ ويقوي ويعزز صحة الدماغ  يوجد أيضا عنصر فيتامين B 6 وهذه الفيتامين وهو المسؤول عن الهدوء والحكمه للشخص وهذه الفيتامين يعزز منها يوجد أيضا بالموز عناصر B 1 و B 3 وهذه العناصر هي المسؤولة عن التحكم بالاعصاب مما يعني تعززيها لتقوية الأعصاب  أيضا هنالك جانب اخر للموز هام جدا وهو عنصر البوتاسيوم الذي يعزز من صحة القلب وايضا من صحة البدن بشكل عام   ومما يدع الشك بأن هذه العناصر تعمل على تغذية الجسم بكل احتياجته اليومي...

Covid is preparing to leave

  Patcher is a password to an overdose of optimism near the new Corona virus. After Pfizer and Cudirna, the Americas declared last week that their vaccine burned an immunity against Fireworks by more than 95%; Britain's role came yesterday.  The Astenzica, which holds and distributing the vaccine, which called on the University of Oxford University Institute, said on Monday that the initial data of the results of the third and final phase of clinical trials conducted to the vaccine Data also indicated that to achieve immunity against infection by 90% improves human injection at half dose,  followed by a full dose later. Experiments included more than 24,000 volunteers for vaccination. Oxford vaccine needs storage at a temperature of two degrees and eight ° C (above scratch), contrast to Pfizer vaccine which needs to be storage in  cooler up to 70 ° C under scratch. Astrazenica official said yesterday he would be able to manage the British vaccination at Oxford vaccin...

checklist of questions to understand testing coronavirus

  Many countries aren't yet providing official figures. Others don't do so on an everyday basis. the primary question to ask, then, is that if there's any testing data for a given country. Equally important is to create the available data findable. Currently, the available data is usually tough to search out, because some countries are releasing figures at unpredictable intervals in ad-hoc locations (including social media or press conferences). What testing technologies are being - used? There are many alternative technologies for COVID-19 testing, a number of which are already implemented, some currently available but not yet extended, and a few still in developmen  It’s critical that governments provide an in depth and explicit account of the technologies that are being implemented as they get unrolled, disaggregating the test results accordingly. For citizens to trust and understand the published data, and for epidemiologists to include the info into the models that inf...

The Impact Of Impact Of Covid-19 On The worldwide Economy

 The Impact Of Impact Of Covid-19 On The worldwide Economy COVID-19 brought the worldwide economy to a sudden stop, causing shocks to supply and demand. Starting in march 2020, country after country suffered outbreaks of the new Covid-19 , with each  new cases epidemiological shocks that led to economic and financial shocks as a consequence.  this might depend upon success in containing the coronavirus and on exit strategies, yet as on the effectiveness of policies designed to cater to the negative economic effects of the coronavirus. The impact of Covid-19 on the global economy will continuous beyond 2020. to stay with forecasts from the International money and international organization agency, GDP per capita at the best of 2021 continues to be expected to be below December 2019 in most countries. Emerging markets and other developing countries, additionally to facing difficulties in addressing their own coronavirus outbreaks, have suffered additional shocks from abroad...

Covid-19 pandemic- Tracking the worldwide coronavirus outbreak

 Covid-19 pandemic: Tracking the worldwide coronavirus outbreak   wearing a protective mask are seen during an indication to protest against Coronavirus restrictions and possible modifications to the Law for defense from Infections in Berlin, Germany on November 18, 2020. Coronavirus is constant its spread across the planet with quite 56 million confirmed cases in 190 countries and about 1.35 million deaths. In the table below, countries will be reordered by deaths, death rate and total cases. within the coloured bars on the right-hand side, countries within which cases have risen to quite 5,000 per day are those with black bars on the relevant date.  The map, table and animated bar graph during this page use a distinct source for figures for France and therefore the UK from that employed by Johns Hopkins University, which ends in a very slightly lower overall total. US figures don't include Puerto Rico, Guam or the US island. Short presentational grey line Where are...

The COVID-19 Effect: Story Ideas on Students, Schools

 How COVID-19 is poised to reshape the educational experience The coronavirus pandemic News outlets round the country are an important source of data for communities  Here are one or two of story ideas to tap in covering what continues to be a fast-changing situation on the preschool through education front, with plenty of strong samples of enterprising news coverage  In Washington state, the first epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak within the U.S. (and the state with the foremost deaths from the virus so far), schools are required to produce not only meals to low-income families but also to function emergency child care centers, reported Janelle Retka of The Yakima Herald. How effective are such actions so far? How are parents teaming up to share resources for child care, especially in families where engaging from home isn’t an option? What are local nonprofit organizations doing to assist fill within the gaps? additionally to covering the broader problems with the pande...