
Garlic is a species of hulbous flowering plant in the onions All close relatives include the onion shallot , Inck , chine , Welch onica and Chinese onion . 

It is save to Central Asia and northeastern and has long been common rame worldwide with a history of several thousand years of human constiption and use it was known to ancient Egyptian and to been used as both a food flavong and a traditional felicite Description Allium sativus a perennial flowering plant growing from a bulb

It has a tall erect tower stem that to The leaf bladen flat , incat solid , and approximately wide , with an acute apex . The planit may produce penk to purple flowers from July to September in the Northern Hemisphere The bulbas odoriferous and contains outer layers of thin sheathing leaves surrounding on ne sheath that encloses the love often the bulb contains 10 to 20 cloves that are asymmetric in shape , except for those closest to the center .  It produces hermaphrodite flowen

  It is pollinated by bens butterflies totes , and other insects Origin and mor types Identification of the wild progenitor of common garlic is difficult due to the sensity of its many cultivats , which limits the ability to cross test with wild relatives . Genetically and morphologically 

, garlic is most similar to the wild species Allium longicusp which grows in central and southwester Asia However because Allium longicuspis is also mostly sterile , sin doubtful that it is the ancestor of Allium sativum . So - called elephant garis in actually a wild leek , and not a true garlic . Single clove ganhe onginated in the Yunnan province of China European garlic Some garlics have protected states in Europe , including Subspecies and varieties 1 There are two subspecies of Agativum , ten major groups of varieties , and hundreds of varieties or cultivars A sativum var ophioscorodon Doll called Ophioscorodon , or hard - necked earlic includes porcelain garlic , rocambole garlic and purple stripe garlics . It is sometimes considered to be a separate species . Album phoscorodon Don A sativum var sativum , or soft - necked garlic , includes artichoke garlic sulversken garlic , and creole gath . There are at least 120 cultivars originating from Central Asia , making it the main center of garlic biodiversity Cultivation Garlic is easy to grow and can be grown year - round in mild climates . While sexual propagation of garlic is possible nearly all of the garlie in cultivation is propagated asexually , by planting individual cloves in the ground 


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